
InputScopes Mapping Table

Value Description Android iOS
AlphanumericFullWidth Input scope is intended for alphanumeric full-width characters.
AlphanumericHalfWidth Input scope is intended for alphanumeric half-width characters.
AlphanumericPin Expected input is an alphanumeric PIN.
Chat Input scope is intended for chat strings.
ChatWithoutEmoji Expected input does not include emoji. Advises input processors to not show the emoji key.
ChineseFullWidth Input scope is intended for Chinese full-width characters.
ChineseHalfWidth Input scope is intended for Chinese half-width characters.
CurrencyAmount Input scope is intended for working with a currency amount (no currency symbol). InputTypes.ClassNumber OR InputTypes.NumberFlagDecimal UIKeyboardType.DecimalPad
CurrencyAmountAndSymbol Input scope is intended for working with amount and symbol of currency.
DateDayNumber Input scope is intended for working with a numeric day of the month.
DateMonthNumber Input scope is intended for working with a numeric month of the year.
DateYear Input scope is intended for working with a numeric year.
Default No input scope is applied. InputTypes.ClassText UIKeyboardType.Default
Digits Input scope is intended for working with a collection of numbers.
EmailNameOrAddress Input scope is intended for working with an email name or full email address. InputTypes.ClassText OR InputTypes.TextVariationEmailAddress UIKeyboardType.EmailAddress
EmailSmtpAddress Input scope is intended for working with a Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) form e-mail address (accountname@host). InputTypes.ClassText OR InputTypes.TextVariationEmailAddress UIKeyboardType.EmailAddress
Formula Input scope is intended for spreadsheet formula strings.
FormulaNumber Expected input is a mathematical formula. Advises input processors to show the number page.
HangulFullWidth Input scope is intended for Hangul full-width characters.
HangulHalfWidth Input scope is intended for Hangul half-width characters.
Hanja Input scope is intended for Hanja characters.
Hiragana Input scope is intended for Hiragana characters.
KatakanaFullWidth Input scope is intended for Katakana full-width characters.
KatakanaHalfWidth Input scope is intended for Katakana half-width characters.
Maps Input scope is intended for working with a map location.
NameOrPhoneNumber Input scope is intended for working with a name or telephone number.
NativeScript Input scope is intended for native script.
Number Input scope is intended for working with digits 0-9. InputTypes.ClassNumber UIKeyboardType.NumberPad
NumberFullWidth Input scope is intended for full-width number characters. InputTypes.ClassPhone(*) UIKeyboardType.NumbersAndPunctuation
NumericPassword Expected input is a numeric password, or PIN.
NumericPin Expected input is a numeric PIN. InputTypes.ClassNumber UIKeyboardType.NumbersAndPunctuation
Password Input scope is intended for working with an alphanumeric password, including other symbols, such as punctuation and mathematical symbols.
PersonalFullName Input scope is intended for working with a complete personal name.
Search Input scope is intended for search strings. InputTypes.ClassText UIKeyboardType.Default
SearchIncremental Input scope is intended for search boxes where incremental results are displayed as the user types.
TelephoneAreaCode Input scope is intended for working with a numeric telephone area code.
TelephoneCountryCode Input scope is intended for working with a numeric telephone country code.
TelephoneLocalNumber Input scope is intended for working with a local telephone number.
TelephoneNumber Input scope is intended for working with telephone numbers. InputTypes.ClassPhone UIKeyboardType.PhonePad
Text Input scope is intended for working with text.
TimeHour Input scope is intended for working with a numeric hour of the day.
TimeMinutesOrSeconds Input scope is intended for working with a numeric minute of the hour, or second of the minute.
Url Indicates a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). This can include URL, File, or File Transfer Protocol (FTP) formats. InputTypes.ClassText OR InputTypes.TextVariationUri UIKeyboardType.Url

[*: Workaround]

Controlling the Keyboard on iOS

If a view needs to keep the keyboard opened when tapping on it, use the Uno.UI.Controls.Window.SetNeedsKeyboard attached property.

Paste event

Support for capturing and handling the Paste event is implemented on all targets except for macOS.

In the case of Android, it is currently limited to the pastes that are triggered by the native context menu (e.g. after long-pressing the TextBox). It cannot detect paste triggered by the virtual keyboard or via a hardware keyboard shortcut.

Pointer capture on WebAssembly

In addition to focus, TextBox control also captures pointers, so that manipulations like scrolling through contents are possible. However, on WASM setting the programmatic capture will prevent the native scrolling behavior of the underlying <input>. For that reason, we avoid performing the pointer capture in this case. If you still want to capture the pointer, you can do so by setting the IsPointerCaptureRequired attached property to true:

In C#:

#if __WASM__
myTextBox.IsPointerCaptureRequired = true;

Or in XAML:

<TextBox wasm:IsPointerCaptureRequired="True" />

Follow Platform-specific XAML guide to add the wasm namespace.

The value only affects WebAssembly, all other targets capture by default.