
WinUI has a number of different templates. All templates are generated based on a given delegate that returns some sort of UIElement.


DataTemplate is a specialized template that typically has its own DataContext. As a result DataTemplate properties are built using a strongly typed generic extension that helps the creation of bindings for the given data type of the model the DataTemplate will be used for.

new ListView()
	.ItemTemplate<TodoItem>(item => new TextBlock().Text(() => item.Title))

The delegate property item will be null and cannot be used to access the state of the model. Attempting to access property values directly will result in a NullReferenceException. You must use Bindings to set values from your Model. If you need to dynamically update the view based on the state of the model, you should consider using a DataTemplateSelector instead.


Sometimes it is needed to provide a different UI based on the state of an individual item. It is important to consider that the actual instance of the model type will always be null for your delegate as a DataTemplate cannot have any state. In these cases, you must instead make use of the DataTemplateSelector. The DataTemplateSelector property will give you access to the DataTemplateSelectorBuilder which again will give you the opportunity to create your DataTemplates plus specify a delegate that can evaluate the state of the model.

new ListView()
	.ItemTemplateSelector<IVehicle>((vehicle, selector) => selector
		.Default(() => new TextBlock().Text("Some Vehicle"))
		.Case(v => v.Year < 1960, () => new TextBlock().Text(() => vehicle.Model))
		.Case<Car>(car => car.Doors > 2, car => new StackPanel()
				new Image().Source(StaticResource.Get<ImageSource>("sedan.png")),
				new TextBlock().Text(() => car.Model)))
		.Case<Truck>(truck => new StackPanel().Children(
			new Image().Source(StaticResource.Get<ImageSource>("truck.png")),
			new TextBlock().Text(() => truck.TowingCapacity)


Similar to DataTemplate, ContentTemplate is a special case that must take into consideration the target type of the parent control to which it is being applied. This has been handled automatically for you by the generated extensions. Similar to the DataTemplate, the method will be strongly typed, only the type will be that of the parent control.

new Button()
	.Content("Click Me")
	.Template(button => new Border()
		.RenderTransform(new RotateTransform().Angle(45))
		.Child(new ContentPresenter()
			.Content(x => x.TemplateBind(() => button.Content))))

All other Framework Templates

In all other cases, Template properties are treated the same with a simple delegate expected to return the desired UI. In these cases, it is assumed that the same context as the parent is available and there is no need for additional typing on the delegate.

new ListView()
	.ItemsPanel(() => new ItemsStackPanel()

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