
The INavigator is an interface that handles navigating between different views or pages in an application. It manages how you move from one part of your app to another, often keeping track of routes and handling navigation-related tasks.

The NavigateAsync method on the INavigator interface accepts a NavigationRequest parameter and returns a Task that can be awaited in order to get a NavigationResponse.

public interface INavigator
    Task<NavigationResponse?> NavigateAsync(NavigationRequest request);

The CanNavigate method checks if the app can navigate to a specific route. It takes a Route parameter and returns a Task<bool>, which tells you whether navigation is possible. Before navigating, you can use CanNavigate to see if it's allowed or makes sense.

public interface INavigator
    Task<bool> CanNavigate(Route route);

INavigator Extension Methods

There are INavigator extension methods that accept a variety of parameters, depending on the intent, which are mapped to a corresponding combination of Route and Result values.

Navigates to the view associated with the route as defined in the RouteMap.

Task<NavigationResponse?> NavigateRouteAsync(this INavigator navigator, object sender, string route, string qualifier = Qualifiers.None, object? data = null, CancellationToken cancellation = default)


var navigationResponse = await _navigator.NavigateRouteAsync(this, route: "MyExample");

Navigates to the specified view.

Task<NavigationResponse?> NavigateViewAsync<TView>(this INavigator navigator, object sender, string qualifier = Qualifiers.None, object? data = null, CancellationToken cancellation = default)


var response = await _navigator.NavigateViewAsync<MyExamplePage>(this);

Navigates to the view associated with the viewmodel as defined in the ViewMap.

Task<NavigationResponse?> NavigateViewModelAsync<TViewViewModel>(this INavigator navigator, object sender, string qualifier = Qualifiers.None, object? data = null, CancellationToken cancellation = default)


var response = await _navigator.NavigateViewModelAsync<MyExampleViewModel>(this);

Navigates to the view associated with the data type as defined in the DataViewMap. The type of the data object will be used to resolve which route to navigate to.

Task<NavigationResponse?> NavigateDataAsync<TData>(this INavigator navigator, object sender, TData data, string qualifier = Qualifiers.None, CancellationToken cancellation = default)


await _navigator.NavigateDataAsync<MyData>(this);

Navigates to a route and get the result of the specified data type, as defined in the ResultDataViewMap.

Task<NavigationResultResponse<TResult>?> NavigateForResultAsync<TResult>(this INavigator navigator, object sender, string qualifier = Qualifiers.None, object? data = null, CancellationToken cancellation = default)


var returnObject = await _navigator.NavigateForResultAsync<MyObject>(this);

Alternatively the GetDataAsync<TResult>() could be used:

var returnObject = await _navigator.GetDataAsync<MyObject>(this);

All methods mentioned also have ForResultAsync variations available. These variations can be used if you need to retrieve data while navigating. For example:

NavigateViewForResultAsync<TView, TResult>()
NavigateViewModelForResultAsync<TViewViewModel, TResult>()
NavigateDataForResultAsync<TData, TResult>()

The NavigationResponse object encapsulates the result of a navigation operation. It includes:

  • Route: The route that was navigated to.
  • Success: Indicates whether the navigation was successful.
  • Navigator: The INavigator instance that processed the final segment of the route.

The NavigationRequest object represents a request for navigation. It includes:

  • Sender: The originator of the navigation request.
  • Route: The route to navigate to.
  • Cancellation: An optional CancellationToken to cancel the navigation.
  • Result: An optional type for the result of the navigation.
  • Source: An optional INavigator instance that initiated the navigation.