
Provides utilities for managing and retrieving the current theme of the operating system and the application.

Theme Retrieval


Method Return Type Description
GetCurrentOsTheme() ApplicationTheme Retrieves the current theme of the operating system.
GetApplicationTheme() ApplicationTheme [Obsolete] Retrieves the current theme of the application. Will be removed in future versions.
GetRootTheme(XamlRoot?) ApplicationTheme Gets the ApplicationTheme of the provided XamlRoot, or falls back to the operating system theme.
IsAppInDarkMode() bool [Obsolete] Returns true if the application is currently in dark mode, otherwise false.
IsRootInDarkMode(XamlRoot) bool Determines if the provided XamlRoot is in dark mode.


Example of retrieving the current OS theme:

var osTheme = SystemThemeHelper.GetCurrentOsTheme();
Console.WriteLine($"Current OS Theme: {osTheme}");

Retrieve the application theme:

var xamlRoot = someElement.XamlRoot;
var appTheme = SystemThemeHelper.GetRootTheme(xamlRoot);
Console.WriteLine($"Current App Theme: {appTheme}");

Theme Management


Method Description
SetApplicationTheme(bool) [Obsolete] Sets the application theme to dark mode if darkMode is true, otherwise light mode. Will be removed in future versions.
SetRootTheme(XamlRoot?, bool) Sets the theme for the provided XamlRoot based on the darkMode parameter.
SetApplicationTheme(XamlRoot?, ElementTheme) Sets the ElementTheme (Light or Dark) for the provided XamlRoot.
ToggleApplicationTheme() [Obsolete] Toggles the application theme between light and dark modes. Will be removed in future versions.


Set the theme for a specific XamlRoot:

var xamlRoot = someElement.XamlRoot;
SystemThemeHelper.SetApplicationTheme(xamlRoot, ElementTheme.Light);
Console.WriteLine("XamlRoot theme set to Light Mode.");