Upgrading Material Toolkit Version

Upgrading to Material Toolkit v6

Material Toolkit v6 contains a dependency on Uno Material which, as of its v5 release, introduces breaking changes that can affect applications using the Material Toolkit. Refer to the Uno Material v5 upgrade documentation for further information.

Opacity and brushes

The opacity values of certain brushes have been adjusted in Uno Material v5. The following table shows the changes in opacity values:

Opacity variant Old Value New Value
Medium 0.54 0.64
Disabled 0.38 0.12
DisabledLow 0.12 removed

Existing explicit references to -DisabledLow resources have been updated to use -Disabled.

Markup Theme class name

The Theme class in the Uno.Toolkit.UI.Markup has been renamed to ToolkitTheme in order to no longer clash with the Theme class from Uno.Themes.Markup.

This affects all references to the Theme class in the Uno.Toolkit.UI.Markup namespace, which are outlined in the table below:

Class Old New
Card Theme.Card.* ToolkitTheme.Card.*
CardContentControl Theme.CardContentControl.* ToolkitTheme.CardContentControl.*
Chip Theme.Chip.* ToolkitTheme.Chip.*
ChipGroup Theme.ChipGroup.* ToolkitTheme.ChipGroup.*
Divider Theme.Divider.* ToolkitTheme.Divider.*
NavigationBar Theme.NavigationBar.* ToolkitTheme.NavigationBar.*
TabBar Theme.TabBar.* ToolkitTheme.TabBar.*
TabBar Theme.TabBarItem.* ToolkitTheme.TabBarItem.*

Upgrading to Material Toolkit v4

Material Toolkit v4 introduces support for Lightweight Styling and, as a result, many resource keys have been added as well as renamed. For a list of all the new resource keys, please refer to the Lightweight Styling documentation.

Along with the above list of new resource keys, below is a list of the resource keys that have been removed or renamed.


Most resources, including those that have been added or renamed, have now been placed inside of a ThemeDictionary. This means that the resources should now be referenced using the ThemeResource markup extension instead of StaticResource. For more information on theme resources, please refer to the XAML theme resources documentation.


Old Key New Key Value
MaterialChipElevationMargin ChipElevationMargin 4
MaterialChipCornerRadius ChipCornerRadius 8
MaterialChipIconSize ChipIconSize 18
MaterialChipElevation ChipElevation 4
M3MateriaChipCheckGlyphSize REMOVED 20
MaterialChipBorderThickness ChipBorderThickness 1
MaterialChipDeleteIconLength ChipDeleteIconLength 11
MaterialChipDeleteIconContainerLength ChipDeleteIconContainerLength 18
MaterialChipSize ChipSize 12
MaterialChipContentMinHeight ChipContentMinHeight 20
MaterialChipHeight ChipHeight 32
MaterialChipDisabledBorderBrush ChipBorderBrushDisabled OnSurfaceVariantDisabledLowBrush
MaterialChipDisabledBackground ChipBackgroundDisabled OnSurfaceDisabledLowBrush
MaterialChipDisabledForeground ChipForegroundDisabled OnSurfaceDisabledBrush
MaterialChipIconDisabledForeground ChipIconForegroundDisabled OnSurfaceDisabledBrush
MaterialChipIconForeground ChipIconForeground PrimaryBrush
MaterialChipSelectedPressedForeground REMOVED OnSecondaryContainerBrush
MaterialChipSelectedFocusedForeground REMOVED OnSecondaryContainerBrush
MaterialChipSelectedPointerOverForeground REMOVED OnSecondaryContainerBrush
MaterialChipSelectedForeground REMOVED OnSecondaryContainerBrush
MaterialChipPressedForeground ChipForegroundPressed OnSurfaceVariantBrush
MaterialChipFocusedForeground ChipForegroundFocused OnSurfaceVariantBrush -> SystemControlTransparentBrush
MaterialChipPointerOverForeground ChipForegroundPointerOver OnSurfaceVariantBrush
MaterialChipForeground ChipForeground OnSurfaceVariantBrush
MaterialChipSelectedPressedStateOverlay REMOVED OnSecondaryContainerSelectedBrush
MaterialChipSelectedFocusedStateOverlay REMOVED OnSecondaryContainerFocusedBrush
MaterialChipSelectedPointerOverStateOverlay REMOVED OnSecondaryContainerHoverBrush
MaterialChipPressedStateOverlay ChipStateOverlayPressed OnSurfaceVariantPressedBrush
MaterialChipFocusedStateOverlay ChipStateOverlayFocused OnSurfaceVariantFocusedBrush -> SystemControlTransparentBrush
MaterialChipPointerOverStateOverlay ChipStateOverlayPointerOver OnSurfaceVariantHoverBrush
MaterialChipSelectedBackground REMOVED SecondaryContainerBrush
MaterialChipBackground ChipBackground SystemControlTransparentBrush


Old Key New Key Value
MaterialDividerHeight DividerHeight 1


Old Key New Key Value
MaterialNavigationTabBarItemLargeBadgeCornerRadius NavigationTabBarItemLargeBadgeCornerRadius 8
MaterialNavigationTabBarItemLargeBadgePadding NavigationTabBarItemLargeBadgePadding 4,0
MaterialNavigationTabBarItemLargeBadgeMargin NavigationTabBarItemLargeBadgeMargin 32,2,0,0
MaterialNavigationTabBarItemLargeBadgeMinWidth NavigationTabBarItemLargeBadgeMinWidth 16
MaterialNavigationTabBarItemLargeBadgeHeight NavigationTabBarItemLargeBadgeHeight 16
MaterialNavigationTabBarItemSmallBadgeMargin NavigationTabBarItemSmallBadgeMargin 0,4,20,0
MaterialNavigationTabBarItemSmallBadgeWidth NavigationTabBarItemSmallBadgeWidth 6
MaterialNavigationTabBarItemSmallBadgeHeight NavigationTabBarItemSmallBadgeHeight 6
MaterialFabTabBarItemPadding FabTabBarItemPadding 20
MaterialFabTabBarItemCornerRadius FabTabBarItemCornerRadius 16
MaterialFabTabBarItemIconTextPadding FabTabBarItemIconTextPadding 12
MaterialFabTabBarItemContentWidthOrHeight FabTabBarItemContentWidthOrHeight 16
MaterialFabTabBarItemOffset FabTabBarItemOffset -32
MaterialTopTabBarItemContentMargin TopTabBarItemContentMargin 0
MaterialTopTabBarItemIconHeight TopTabBarItemIconHeight 20
MaterialTopTabBarHeight TopTabBarHeight 48
MaterialNavigationTabBarItemActiveIndicatorCornerRadius NavigationTabBarItemActiveIndicatorCornerRadius 16
MaterialNavigationTabBarItemPadding NavigationTabBarItemPadding 0,12,0,16
MaterialNavigationTabBarItemActiveIndicatorHeight NavigationTabBarItemActiveIndicatorHeight 32
MaterialNavigationTabBarItemActiveIndicatorWidth NavigationTabBarItemActiveIndicatorWidth 64
MaterialNavigationTabBarItemIconHeight NavigationTabBarItemIconHeight 18
MaterialNavigationTabBarWidthOrHeight NavigationTabBarWidthOrHeight 80

Upgrading Material Toolkit to Uno Material v2

Starting with version 2.0.0 of the Uno.Toolkit.UI.Material and Uno.Toolkit.WinUI.Material packages, users can now take advantage of the new Material Design 3 design system from Google. Along with the new Material Design 3 styles, our Material Toolkit NuGet packages will continue to support the previous Material Design 2 styles. In order to achieve this backward compatibility, we have had to make some changes to the way the Material toolkit is initialized within your App.xaml.


In order to avoid any confusion going forward in this article, we will be referring to the new collection of Material Design 3 compatible styles as the "v2" styles and the previous collection of Material Design 2 styles will be referred to as the "v1" styles.

There are two available paths once you have updated to the new Material Toolkit v2 package:

  • Continue to keep using the v1 styles; or,
  • Migrate app to reference the new v2 styles

Continue Using v1 Styles


In order to continue using the v1 styles, some changes are required in your App.xaml.

Since the Material Toolkit has a dependency on the Uno Material library, it is required to first follow the steps in the Continue Using v1 Styles section of the Uno Material v2 migration documentation.

The Material Toolkit v2 NuGet package contains both sets of v1 and v2 styles. Within your App.xaml, you will need to replace the reference to MaterialToolkitResources with MaterialToolkitResourcesV1.

Migrating to v2 Styles

MaterialToolkitResources will now always initialize the latest version of the Material-compatible Toolkit styles. It is also possible to directly reference the MaterialToolkitResourcesV2 ResourceDictionary if needed.

The v2 styles introduce a new naming system for its resource keys. Refer to the Material Toolkit Styles Matrix for the updated style keys.