

This article covers Uno-specific information for Barometer. For a full description of the feature and instructions on using it, see Barometer Class | Microsoft Learn.

  • The Windows.Devices.Sensors.Barometer class allows measuring pressure in hectopascals (hPa).

Supported features

Feature Windows Android iOS Web (WASM) macOS Linux (Skia) Win 7 (Skia)

Using Barometer with Uno

  • The GetDefault method is available on all targets and will return null on those which do not support Barometer or devices that do not have such a sensor.
  • Ensure to unsubscribe from the ReadingChanged event when you no longer need the readings, so that the sensor is no longer active to avoid unnecessary battery consumption.


Capturing sensor readings

var barometer = Barometer.GetDefault();
barometer.ReadingChanged += Barometer_ReadingChanged;

private async void Barometer_ReadingChanged(Barometer sender, BarometerReadingChangedEventArgs args)
    // If you want to update the UI in some way, ensure the Dispatcher is used,
    // as the ReadingChanged event handler does not run on the UI thread.
    await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
        OutputTextBlock.Text = $"Sensor reading in hPa = {args.Reading.StationPressureInHectopascals}, " +
            $"timestamp = {args.Reading.Timestamp}";

Unsubscribing from the readings

barometer.ReadingChanged -= Barometer_ReadingChanged;