Using Fluent styles in legacy apps

This article is only relevant for migration of legacy UWP-based Uno Platform applications. Modern template has Fluent styles included by default.

Enabling Fluent styles

  1. In the UWP head project of your solution, install the WinUI 2 NuGet package.

  2. There's no extra package to install for non-Windows head projects - the WinUI 2 controls are already included in the Uno.UI NuGet package which is installed with the default Uno Platform template.

  3. Open the App.xaml file inside one of the Head project used by all platform heads. Add the XamlControlsResources resource dictionary to your application resources inside App.xaml.

                <XamlControlsResources xmlns="using:Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls" />

    Or, if you have other existing application-scope resources, add XamlControlsResources at the top (before other resources) as a merged dictionary:

                    <XamlControlsResources xmlns="using:Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls" />
                    <!-- Other merged dictionaries here -->
                <!-- Other app resources here -->
  4. Now you're ready to use WinUI 2 controls in your application. Sample usage for the NumberBox control:

    <Page x:Class="UnoLovesWinUI.MainPage"
        Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
            <winui:NumberBox />