Get Started on VS Code

This guide will walk you through the set-up process for building apps with Uno under Windows, Linux or macOS.

See these sections for information about using Uno Platform with:


Check your environment

  1. Open a command-line prompt, Windows Terminal if you have it installed, or else Command Prompt or Windows Powershell from the Start menu.

  2. Setup uno.check by:

    • Installing the tool:

      dotnet tool install -g uno.check
    • Updating the tool, if you previously installed it:

      dotnet tool update -g uno.check
  3. Run the tool from the command prompt with the following command:

  4. Follow the instructions indicated by the tool.

You can find additional information about uno-check here.

Configure VS Code

If you are new to VS Code or to developing C# applications with VS Code take the time to follow the next steps.

  1. Open VS Code
  2. If this is not a new installation then try to update it. Press F1 and type Code: Check for Updates... and select it. A notification will tell you if an update is available.
  3. Configure VS Code to start from the command-line using the code command. This can be configured by following these instructions.
  4. Install the Uno Platform extension. Press F1 and type Extensions: Install Extensions, search the marketplace for Uno Platform and click the Install button.

OmniSharp Legacy Mode

Starting Uno Platform extension version 0.12, running in VS Code automatically uses the C# Dev Kit extension ms-dotnettools.csdevkit.

If you are using GitPod, any Open VSX environment or earlier versions of the Uno Platform extension, you will be automatically using the C# extension ms-dotnettools.csharp with OmniSharp enabled.

To switch between C# Dev Kit and OmniSharp:

Platform specific setup

You may need to follow additional directions, depending on your development environment.


  • Install the required dependencies:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install mesa-utils libgl1-mesa-glx ttf-mscorefonts-installer dbus libfontconfig1 libxrandr2 libxi-dev

You may also need to install the Microsoft fonts manually.

If you are using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), you can find specific instructions in the following video:

Next Steps

You're all set! You can create your first Uno Platform app.