CalendarView : Control
Implemented for: all platforms supported by Uno Platform
This document lists all properties, methods, and events of CalendarView
that are currently implemented by the Uno Platform. See the WinUI documentation for detailed usage guidelines which all automatically apply to Uno Platform.
To better understand how CalendarView
works, you can use the Uno Gallery or run your own tests on the Uno Playground.
Implemented properties
Property | Supported on |
FontWeight DayItemFontWeight | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
FontStyle DayItemFontStyle | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
double DayItemFontSize | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
FontFamily DayItemFontFamily | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Style CalendarViewDayItemStyle | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
CornerRadius CalendarItemCornerRadius | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Thickness CalendarItemBorderThickness | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush CalendarItemBorderBrush | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush CalendarItemBackground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
string CalendarIdentifier | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush BlackoutForeground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
bool IsGroupLabelVisible | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
string DayOfWeekFormat | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush HoverBorderBrush | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
HorizontalAlignment HorizontalFirstOfMonthLabelAlignment | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
HorizontalAlignment HorizontalDayItemAlignment | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush FocusBorderBrush | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
FontWeight FirstOfYearDecadeLabelFontWeight | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
FontStyle FirstOfYearDecadeLabelFontStyle | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
int NumberOfWeeksInView | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
FontFamily FirstOfYearDecadeLabelFontFamily | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
FontWeight FirstOfMonthLabelFontWeight | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
FontStyle FirstOfMonthLabelFontStyle | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
double FirstOfMonthLabelFontSize | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
FontFamily FirstOfMonthLabelFontFamily | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DayOfWeek FirstDayOfWeek | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
CalendarViewDisplayMode DisplayMode | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
bool IsOutOfScopeEnabled | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush SelectedBorderBrush | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush PressedForeground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush PressedBorderBrush | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush OutOfScopeForeground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush OutOfScopeBackground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
double FirstOfYearDecadeLabelFontSize | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
FontWeight MonthYearItemFontWeight | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
FontStyle MonthYearItemFontStyle | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
double MonthYearItemFontSize | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
FontFamily MonthYearItemFontFamily | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DateTimeOffset MinDate | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DateTimeOffset MaxDate | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
VerticalAlignment VerticalFirstOfMonthLabelAlignment | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
bool IsTodayHighlighted | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
VerticalAlignment VerticalDayItemAlignment | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush TodayForeground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
FontWeight TodayFontWeight | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush CalendarItemForeground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush TodayBackground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
CalendarViewSelectionMode SelectionMode | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush SelectedPressedBorderBrush | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush SelectedHoverBorderBrush | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush SelectedForeground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
IList |
all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
CalendarViewTemplateSettings TemplateSettings | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty BlackoutForegroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty CalendarIdentifierProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty CalendarItemBackgroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty CalendarItemBorderBrushProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty CalendarItemBorderThicknessProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty CalendarItemCornerRadiusProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty CalendarItemForegroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty CalendarViewDayItemStyleProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty DayItemFontFamilyProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty DayItemFontSizeProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty DayItemFontStyleProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty DayItemFontWeightProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty DayOfWeekFormatProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty DisplayModeProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty FirstDayOfWeekProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty FirstOfMonthLabelFontFamilyProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty FirstOfMonthLabelFontSizeProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty FirstOfMonthLabelFontStyleProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty FirstOfMonthLabelFontWeightProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty FirstOfYearDecadeLabelFontFamilyProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty FirstOfYearDecadeLabelFontSizeProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty FirstOfYearDecadeLabelFontStyleProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty FirstOfYearDecadeLabelFontWeightProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty FocusBorderBrushProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty HorizontalDayItemAlignmentProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty HorizontalFirstOfMonthLabelAlignmentProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty HoverBorderBrushProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty IsGroupLabelVisibleProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty IsOutOfScopeEnabledProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty IsTodayHighlightedProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty MaxDateProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty MinDateProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty MonthYearItemFontFamilyProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty MonthYearItemFontSizeProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty MonthYearItemFontStyleProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty MonthYearItemFontWeightProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty NumberOfWeeksInViewProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty OutOfScopeBackgroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty OutOfScopeForegroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty PressedBorderBrushProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty PressedForegroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty SelectedBorderBrushProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty SelectedDatesProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty SelectedForegroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty SelectedHoverBorderBrushProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty SelectedPressedBorderBrushProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty SelectionModeProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty TemplateSettingsProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty TodayBackgroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty TodayFontWeightProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty TodayForegroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty VerticalDayItemAlignmentProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty VerticalFirstOfMonthLabelAlignmentProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Implemented methods
Method | Supported on |
void SetDisplayDate(DateTimeOffset) | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
void SetYearDecadeDisplayDimensions(int, int) | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Implemented events
Event | Supported on |
TypedEventHandler<CalendarView, CalendarViewDayItemChangingEventArgs> CalendarViewDayItemChanging | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
TypedEventHandler<CalendarView, CalendarViewSelectedDatesChangedEventArgs> SelectedDatesChanged | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Below are all properties, methods, and events of CalendarView
that are not currently implemented in Uno.
Not implemented properties
Property | Not supported on |
Thickness DayItemMargin | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush CalendarItemPressedBackground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush CalendarItemHoverBackground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush TodayBlackoutBackground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush CalendarItemDisabledBackground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush BlackoutStrikethroughBrush | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush BlackoutBackground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Thickness FirstOfYearDecadeLabelMargin | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Thickness FirstOfMonthLabelMargin | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush DisabledForeground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush SelectedDisabledBorderBrush | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush OutOfScopePressedForeground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush OutOfScopeHoverForeground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Thickness MonthYearItemMargin | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush SelectedDisabledForeground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush TodaySelectedInnerBorderBrush | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush TodayPressedBackground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush TodayHoverBackground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush TodayDisabledBackground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush TodayBlackoutForeground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush SelectedPressedForeground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush SelectedHoverForeground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty BlackoutBackgroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty BlackoutStrikethroughBrushProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty CalendarItemDisabledBackgroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty CalendarItemHoverBackgroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty CalendarItemPressedBackgroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty DayItemMarginProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty DisabledForegroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty FirstOfMonthLabelMarginProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty FirstOfYearDecadeLabelMarginProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty MonthYearItemMarginProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty OutOfScopeHoverForegroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty OutOfScopePressedForegroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty SelectedDisabledBorderBrushProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty SelectedDisabledForegroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty SelectedHoverForegroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty SelectedPressedForegroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty TodayBlackoutBackgroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty TodayBlackoutForegroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty TodayDisabledBackgroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty TodayHoverBackgroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty TodayPressedBackgroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty TodaySelectedInnerBorderBrushProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Last updated Thursday, 06 March 2025 18:09.