ItemsWrapGrid : Panel (UWP/Android/iOS) Object (WASM/MacOS)

Implemented for: Android, iOS

This document lists all properties, methods, and events of ItemsWrapGrid that are currently implemented by the Uno Platform. See the WinUI documentation for detailed usage guidelines which all automatically apply to Uno Platform.

In addition, ItemsWrapGrid has Uno-specific documentation here.

Implemented properties

Property Supported on
Orientation Orientation all platforms supported by Uno Platform
int MaximumRowsOrColumns all platforms supported by Uno Platform
double ItemWidth all platforms supported by Uno Platform
double ItemHeight all platforms supported by Uno Platform
Thickness GroupPadding all platforms supported by Uno Platform
GroupHeaderPlacement GroupHeaderPlacement all platforms supported by Uno Platform
double CacheLength Android
bool AreStickyGroupHeadersEnabled all platforms supported by Uno Platform
int FirstCacheIndex Android
int FirstVisibleIndex Android, iOS
int LastCacheIndex Android
int LastVisibleIndex Android, iOS
DependencyProperty AreStickyGroupHeadersEnabledProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty CacheLengthProperty Android
DependencyProperty GroupHeaderPlacementProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty GroupPaddingProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty ItemHeightProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty ItemWidthProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty MaximumRowsOrColumnsProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty OrientationProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform

Below are all properties, methods, and events of ItemsWrapGrid that are not currently implemented in Uno.

Not implemented properties

Property Not supported on
double CacheLength iOS, MacOS, WASM, Skia
int FirstCacheIndex iOS, MacOS, WASM, Skia
int FirstVisibleIndex MacOS, WASM, Skia
int LastCacheIndex iOS, MacOS, WASM, Skia
int LastVisibleIndex MacOS, WASM, Skia
PanelScrollingDirection ScrollingDirection all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty CacheLengthProperty iOS, MacOS, WASM, Skia

Last updated Thursday, 06 March 2025 18:09.