TextBlock : FrameworkElement
Implemented for: all platforms supported by Uno Platform
This document lists all properties, methods, and events of TextBlock
that are currently implemented by the Uno Platform. See the WinUI documentation for detailed usage guidelines which all automatically apply to Uno Platform.
To better understand how TextBlock
works, you can use the Uno Gallery or run your own tests on the Uno Playground.
Implemented properties
Property | Supported on |
double LineHeight | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
TextAlignment HorizontalTextAlignment | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Brush Foreground | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
FontWeight FontWeight | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
FontStyle FontStyle | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
double FontSize | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
FontFamily FontFamily | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
bool IsTextSelectionEnabled | WASM, Skia |
int CharacterSpacing | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
TextWrapping TextWrapping | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
LineStackingStrategy LineStackingStrategy | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
TextTrimming TextTrimming | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
TextDecorations TextDecorations | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
TextAlignment TextAlignment | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
string Text | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
SolidColorBrush SelectionHighlightColor | Skia |
Thickness Padding | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
int MaxLines | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
InlineCollection Inlines | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
bool IsTextTrimmed | Mobile, WASM, Skia |
DependencyProperty CharacterSpacingProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty FontFamilyProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty FontSizeProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty FontStretchProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty FontStyleProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty FontWeightProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty ForegroundProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty HorizontalTextAlignmentProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty IsTextSelectionEnabledProperty | WASM, Skia |
DependencyProperty IsTextTrimmedProperty | Mobile, WASM, Skia |
DependencyProperty LineHeightProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty LineStackingStrategyProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty MaxLinesProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty PaddingProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty SelectionHighlightColorProperty | Skia |
DependencyProperty TextAlignmentProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty TextDecorationsProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty TextProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty TextTrimmingProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty TextWrappingProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Implemented methods
Method | Supported on |
void SelectAll() | Skia |
void CopySelectionToClipboard() | Skia |
Implemented events
Event | Supported on |
TypedEventHandler<TextBlock, IsTextTrimmedChangedEventArgs> IsTextTrimmedChanged | Mobile, WASM, Skia |
Below are all properties, methods, and events of TextBlock
that are not currently implemented in Uno.
Not implemented properties
Property | Not supported on |
bool IsColorFontEnabled | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
FontStretch FontStretch | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
bool IsTextSelectionEnabled | Android, iOS, MacOS |
bool IsTextScaleFactorEnabled | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
TextReadingOrder TextReadingOrder | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
TextLineBounds TextLineBounds | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
SolidColorBrush SelectionHighlightColor | Xamarin, WASM |
FlyoutBase SelectionFlyout | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
OpticalMarginAlignment OpticalMarginAlignment | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
TextPointer ContentEnd | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
TextPointer ContentStart | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
bool IsTextTrimmed | MacOS |
string SelectedText | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
TextPointer SelectionEnd | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
TextPointer SelectionStart | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
IList |
all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
double BaselineOffset | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty IsColorFontEnabledProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty IsTextScaleFactorEnabledProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty IsTextSelectionEnabledProperty | Android, iOS, MacOS |
DependencyProperty IsTextTrimmedProperty | MacOS |
DependencyProperty OpticalMarginAlignmentProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty SelectedTextProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty SelectionFlyoutProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty SelectionHighlightColorProperty | Xamarin, WASM |
DependencyProperty TextLineBoundsProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
DependencyProperty TextReadingOrderProperty | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Not implemented methods
Method | Not supported on |
void SelectAll() | Xamarin, WASM |
void Select(TextPointer, TextPointer) | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
CompositionBrush GetAlphaMask() | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
void CopySelectionToClipboard() | Xamarin, WASM |
Not implemented events
Event | Not supported on |
ContextMenuOpeningEventHandler ContextMenuOpening | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
TypedEventHandler<TextBlock, IsTextTrimmedChangedEventArgs> IsTextTrimmedChanged | MacOS |
RoutedEventHandler SelectionChanged | all platforms supported by Uno Platform |
Last updated Thursday, 06 March 2025 18:09.