MapControl : Control

Implemented for: Android

This document lists all properties, methods, and events of MapControl that are currently implemented by the Uno Platform. See the WinUI and UWP documentation for detailed usage guidelines which all automatically apply to Uno Platform.

In addition, MapControl has Uno-specific documentation here.

Implemented properties

Property Supported on
double ZoomLevel all platforms supported by Uno Platform
Point TransformOrigin all platforms supported by Uno Platform
bool TrafficFlowVisible all platforms supported by Uno Platform
MapStyle Style all platforms supported by Uno Platform
bool PedestrianFeaturesVisible all platforms supported by Uno Platform
string MapServiceToken all platforms supported by Uno Platform
Geopoint Center all platforms supported by Uno Platform
double Heading all platforms supported by Uno Platform
double DesiredPitch all platforms supported by Uno Platform
bool LandmarksVisible all platforms supported by Uno Platform
IList Children all platforms supported by Uno Platform
double MaxZoomLevel all platforms supported by Uno Platform
double MinZoomLevel all platforms supported by Uno Platform
double Pitch all platforms supported by Uno Platform
bool TransitFeaturesVisible all platforms supported by Uno Platform
MapScene Scene all platforms supported by Uno Platform
bool BusinessLandmarksVisible all platforms supported by Uno Platform
bool Is3DSupported all platforms supported by Uno Platform
bool IsStreetsideSupported all platforms supported by Uno Platform
bool TransitFeaturesEnabled all platforms supported by Uno Platform
bool BusinessLandmarksEnabled all platforms supported by Uno Platform
Thickness ViewPadding all platforms supported by Uno Platform
string Region all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty CenterProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty ZoomLevelProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty ChildrenProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty ColorSchemeProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty DesiredPitchProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty HeadingProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty LandmarksVisibleProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty LoadingStatusProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty LocationProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty MapElementsProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty MapServiceTokenProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty NormalizedAnchorPointProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty PedestrianFeaturesVisibleProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty PitchProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty RoutesProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty StyleProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty TileSourcesProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty TrafficFlowVisibleProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty TransformOriginProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty WatermarkModeProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty BusinessLandmarksVisibleProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty Is3DSupportedProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty IsStreetsideSupportedProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty PanInteractionModeProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty RotateInteractionModeProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty SceneProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty TiltInteractionModeProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty TransitFeaturesVisibleProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty ZoomInteractionModeProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty BusinessLandmarksEnabledProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty TransitFeaturesEnabledProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty MapProjectionProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty StyleSheetProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty ViewPaddingProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty LayersProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty RegionProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform

Implemented methods

Method Supported on
IReadOnlyList FindMapElementsAtOffset(Point) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
void GetLocationFromOffset(Point, Geopoint) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
void GetOffsetFromLocation(Geopoint, Point) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
void IsLocationInView(Geopoint, bool) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
IAsyncOperation TrySetViewBoundsAsync(GeoboundingBox, Thickness?, MapAnimationKind) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
IAsyncOperation TrySetViewAsync(Geopoint) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
IAsyncOperation TrySetViewAsync(Geopoint, double?) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
IAsyncOperation TrySetViewAsync(Geopoint, double?, double?, double?) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
IAsyncOperation TrySetViewAsync(Geopoint, double?, double?, double?, MapAnimationKind) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
void StartContinuousRotate(double) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
void StopContinuousRotate() all platforms supported by Uno Platform
void StartContinuousTilt(double) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
void StopContinuousTilt() all platforms supported by Uno Platform
void StartContinuousZoom(double) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
void StopContinuousZoom() all platforms supported by Uno Platform
IAsyncOperation TryRotateAsync(double) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
IAsyncOperation TryRotateToAsync(double) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
IAsyncOperation TryTiltAsync(double) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
IAsyncOperation TryTiltToAsync(double) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
IAsyncOperation TryZoomInAsync() all platforms supported by Uno Platform
IAsyncOperation TryZoomOutAsync() all platforms supported by Uno Platform
IAsyncOperation TryZoomToAsync(double) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
IAsyncOperation TrySetSceneAsync(MapScene) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
IAsyncOperation TrySetSceneAsync(MapScene, MapAnimationKind) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
Geopath GetVisibleRegion(MapVisibleRegionKind) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
IReadOnlyList FindMapElementsAtOffset(Point, double) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
void GetLocationFromOffset(Point, AltitudeReferenceSystem, Geopoint) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
void StartContinuousPan(double, double) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
void StopContinuousPan() all platforms supported by Uno Platform
IAsyncOperation TryPanAsync(double, double) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
IAsyncOperation TryPanToAsync(Geopoint) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
bool TryGetLocationFromOffset(Point, Geopoint) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
bool TryGetLocationFromOffset(Point, AltitudeReferenceSystem, Geopoint) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
Geopoint GetLocation(DependencyObject) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
void SetLocation(DependencyObject, Geopoint) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
Point GetNormalizedAnchorPoint(DependencyObject) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
void SetNormalizedAnchorPoint(DependencyObject, Point) all platforms supported by Uno Platform

Implemented events

Event Supported on
TypedEventHandler<MapControl, object> CenterChanged all platforms supported by Uno Platform
TypedEventHandler<MapControl, object> HeadingChanged all platforms supported by Uno Platform
TypedEventHandler<MapControl, object> LoadingStatusChanged all platforms supported by Uno Platform
TypedEventHandler<MapControl, MapInputEventArgs> MapDoubleTapped all platforms supported by Uno Platform
TypedEventHandler<MapControl, MapInputEventArgs> MapHolding all platforms supported by Uno Platform
TypedEventHandler<MapControl, MapInputEventArgs> MapTapped all platforms supported by Uno Platform
TypedEventHandler<MapControl, object> PitchChanged all platforms supported by Uno Platform
TypedEventHandler<MapControl, object> TransformOriginChanged all platforms supported by Uno Platform
TypedEventHandler<MapControl, object> ZoomLevelChanged all platforms supported by Uno Platform
TypedEventHandler<MapControl, MapActualCameraChangedEventArgs> ActualCameraChanged all platforms supported by Uno Platform
TypedEventHandler<MapControl, MapActualCameraChangingEventArgs> ActualCameraChanging all platforms supported by Uno Platform
TypedEventHandler<MapControl, MapCustomExperienceChangedEventArgs> CustomExperienceChanged all platforms supported by Uno Platform
TypedEventHandler<MapControl, MapElementClickEventArgs> MapElementClick all platforms supported by Uno Platform
TypedEventHandler<MapControl, MapElementPointerEnteredEventArgs> MapElementPointerEntered all platforms supported by Uno Platform
TypedEventHandler<MapControl, MapElementPointerExitedEventArgs> MapElementPointerExited all platforms supported by Uno Platform
TypedEventHandler<MapControl, MapTargetCameraChangedEventArgs> TargetCameraChanged all platforms supported by Uno Platform
TypedEventHandler<MapControl, MapRightTappedEventArgs> MapRightTapped all platforms supported by Uno Platform
TypedEventHandler<MapControl, MapContextRequestedEventArgs> MapContextRequested all platforms supported by Uno Platform

Below are all properties, methods, and events of MapControl that are not currently implemented in Uno.

Not implemented properties

Property Not supported on
MapWatermarkMode WatermarkMode all platforms supported by Uno Platform
MapColorScheme ColorScheme all platforms supported by Uno Platform
MapLoadingStatus LoadingStatus all platforms supported by Uno Platform
IList MapElements all platforms supported by Uno Platform
IList Routes all platforms supported by Uno Platform
IList TileSources all platforms supported by Uno Platform
MapInteractionMode RotateInteractionMode all platforms supported by Uno Platform
MapInteractionMode ZoomInteractionMode all platforms supported by Uno Platform
MapInteractionMode TiltInteractionMode all platforms supported by Uno Platform
MapPanInteractionMode PanInteractionMode all platforms supported by Uno Platform
MapCustomExperience CustomExperience all platforms supported by Uno Platform
MapCamera ActualCamera all platforms supported by Uno Platform
MapCamera TargetCamera all platforms supported by Uno Platform
MapStyleSheet StyleSheet all platforms supported by Uno Platform
MapProjection MapProjection all platforms supported by Uno Platform
IList Layers all platforms supported by Uno Platform
bool CanTiltDown all platforms supported by Uno Platform
bool CanTiltUp all platforms supported by Uno Platform
bool CanZoomIn all platforms supported by Uno Platform
bool CanZoomOut all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty CanTiltUpProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty CanZoomInProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty CanZoomOutProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty CanTiltDownProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform

Last updated Friday, 03 November 2023 16:21.