Publishing Your App for Desktop

Preparing For Publish

Publish your app

Using Visual Studio 2022

To publish your app with Visual Studio 2022:

  • In the debugger toolbar drop-down, select the net8.0-desktop target framework
  • Once the project has reloaded, right-click on the project and select Publish
  • Select the appropriate target for your publication, this example will use the Folder, then click Next
  • Choose an output folder for the published output, then click Close.
  • In the opened editor, click the Configuration "pen" to edit the configuration
  • In the opened popup, ensure that Target Framework is set to net8.0-desktop, then click Save
  • On the top right, click the Publish button
  • Once the build is done, the output is located in the publish folder

Once done, you can head over to the publishing section.

Using the Command Line

To build your app from the CLI, on Windows, Linux, or macOS:

  • Open a terminal, command line, or powershell

  • Navigate to your csproj folder

  • Publish the app using:

    dotnet publish -f net8.0-desktop -c Release -o ./publish
  • Once the build is done, the output is located in the ./publish folder



Work still in progress for publishing to some targets.

Publishing your app can be done through different means:

  • ClickOnce on Windows
  • Using a Zip file, then running the app using dotnet [yourapp].dll