Start Screen


This article covers Uno-specific information for the Windows.UI.StartScreen namespace. For a full description of the feature and instructions on using it, see Windows.UI.StartScreen Namespace.

  • The Windows.UI.StartScreen namespace provides classes for creating and managing app jump lists.

JumpList & JumpListItem

The APIs are implemented on iOS and Android. Other platforms return false when calling the JumpList.IsSupported() method.

JumpListItem supports DisplayName, Description, Arguments, and Logo properties on both Android and iOS.

DisplayName may not be empty on Android and iOS - this behavior differs from UWP. If left empty, a single space will be used instead.

Logo property can be initialized only with ms-appx:-based images. This behavior matches UWP and actually matches native support on both platforms as well.

To handle JumpListItem activation, check the LaunchActivatedEventArgs.Arguments in App.OnLaunched method. Note that when the application is running, the method will still be called again (this behavior matches UWP).

The API supports interoperability with native "app shortcuts". This means items you add using native API instead of JumpList API will not be overwritten by JumpList and will appear first in the list of shortcuts. These non-Uno shortcuts will not be accessible in the JumpList.Items collection. To identify Uno-specific app shortcuts, a UnoShortcut key is used and set in ShortcutInfo.Extras on Android and UIApplicationShortcutItem.UserInfo on iOS.

Note the order of shortcut items on iOS is reversed. This is system default, but you can write a platform-specific snippet that reverses the list before saving to have the same top-down order as on Android and UWP. iOS also limits the number of items that can be displayed at the same time (for example 4 on iPhone 6 Plus), this is device specific.


Android JumpList sample

iOS JumpList sample