

Property Options Description
Title True/False Adds a title and some extra text
Icon True/False Adds an extra icon at the top and centers the icon and the title. If enabled, it will also enable Title.
Button 1, 2 Adds the selected number of Buttons at the bottom right of the Dialog

Extra Customization

To reach the extra customization features, you will need to work your way through the hierarchy of the component to find the specified sub-components.

  • Icon: Changes the icon at the top of the dialog. To see the modifications, the Icon property must be enabled.

  • Title: Changes the text of the Dialog's title. It will be displayed if the Title property is enabled. It also can be removed if hidden.

  • Body: Changes the text of the Dialog's body. It will be displayed if the Title property is enabled. It also can be removed if hidden.

  • Button: Changes the buttons that are in the Dialog. See Button for all the possible customizations.