How-To: Display Item Details

This topic walks through how to use Navigation to display the details of an item selected from a list. This demonstrates an important aspect of Navigation which is the ability to pass data as part of a navigation request.


This guide uses predefined code created by the Uno Template using the Recommended preset, however, it uses the MVVM approach for the examples instead of MVUX defined in the Recommended preset.



This guide assumes you used the template wizard or dotnet new unoapp to create your solution. If not, it is recommended that you follow the Creating an application with Uno.Extensions documentation to create an application from the template.

Often it is necessary to pass a data item from one page to another. This scenario will start with passing a newly created object along with the navigation request, and how the specified object can be accessed by the destination ViewModel.

1. Define the type of data to pass

  • Define a Widget record (or class) for data to be passed between view models

    public record Widget(string Name, double Weight);
  • Change the ViewMap in App.xaml.cs that associates the SecondPage and SecondViewModel, to be a DataViewMap object that allows you to specify the Widget type.

    new DataViewMap<SecondPage, SecondViewModel, Widget>()

2. Pass data when navigating

  • Create a Widget inside the GoToSecondPage method in MainViewModel.cs, and pass it as data into the navigation method.

    public async Task GoToSecondPage()
        var widget = new Widget("CrazySpinner", 34.0);
        await _navigator.NavigateViewModelAsync<SecondViewModel>(this, data: widget);

3. Receiving navigation data

  • Update the SecondViewModel constructor to accept a Widget parameter.

    public class SecondViewModel
        public string Name { get; }
        public SecondViewModel(Widget widget)
            Name = widget.Name;
  • Add a TextBlock to SecondPage.xaml

    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center"
        <Run Text="Widget Name:" />
        <Run Text="{Binding Name}" />

4. Navigating with data

  • Because there's a mapping between the Widget and the SecondViewModel (in the ViewMap defined in App.xaml.cs), an alternative way to navigate is by calling the NavigateDataAsync and specifying the data object to pass in the navigation request. The type of the data object will be used to resolve which route to navigate to.

    await _navigator.NavigateDataAsync(this, data: widget);

5. Navigating for selected value in a ListView

A common application scenario is to present a list of items, for example presented in a ListView. When the user selects an item, the application navigates to a new view in order to display the details of that item.

  • Add a Widgets property to your MainViewModel

    public Widget[] Widgets { get; } =
        new Widget("NormalSpinner", 5.0),
        new Widget("HeavySpinner", 50.0)
  • Update MainPage.xaml to replace the Button with a ListView which has the ItemsSource property data bound to the Widgets property. The Navigation.Request property defines the route that will be navigated to when an item in the ListView is selected.

    <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Widgets}"
                <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"
                    <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" />
                    <TextBlock Text="{Binding Age}" />

6. Navigating based on the type of data (again!)

If you have a ListView that has items of different types, the navigation route can be based on the type of selected item.

  • Change the Navigation.Request property value to "". Navigation will use the type of the selected item to determine what route to use.

  • Add two additional records, BasicWidget and AdvancedWidget, that derive from Widget.

    public record Widget(string Name, double Weight);
    public record BasicWidget(string Name, double Weight) : Widget(Name, Weight);
    public record AdvancedWidget(string Name, double Weight) : Widget(Name, Weight);
  • Change the Widgets property in MainViewModel to include an array of different types of widgets.

    public Widget[] Widgets { get; } = 
        new BasicWidget("NormalSpinner", 5.0),
        new AdvancedWidget("HeavySpinner", 50.0)
  • Clone the SecondPage.xaml and SecondPage.xaml.cs files, and rename the files to ThirdPage.xaml and ThirdPage.xaml.cs respectively. Make sure you also change the class name in both files from SecondPage to ThirdPage, as well as the Content property of the NavigationBar to read "Third Page".

  • Clone SecondViewModel.cs and rename to ThirdViewModel.cs. Also rename the class from SecondViewModel to ThirdViewModel

  • Change the constructor of both the SecondViewModel and ThirdViewModel to accept widgets of different types

    public class SecondViewModel
        public string Name { get; }
        public SecondViewModel(BasicWidget widget)
            Name = widget.Name;
    public class ThirdViewModel
        public string Name { get; }
        public ThirdViewModel(AdvancedWidget widget)
            Name = widget.Name;
  • Add a DataViewMap and RouteMap for ThirdPage and ThirdViewModel, specifying the AdvancedWidget. Also, update DataViewMap for SecondViewModel to be BasicWidget instead of Widget

    private static void RegisterRoutes(IViewRegistry views, IRouteRegistry routes)
            new ViewMap(ViewModel: typeof(ShellViewModel)),
            new ViewMap<MainPage, MainViewModel>(),
            new DataViewMap<SecondPage, SecondViewModel, BasicWidget>(),
            new DataViewMap<ThirdPage, ThirdViewModel, AdvancedWidget>()
            new RouteMap("", View: views.FindByViewModel<ShellViewModel>(),
                    new ("Main", View: views.FindByViewModel<MainViewModel>()),
                    new ("Second", View: views.FindByViewModel<SecondViewModel>()),
                    new ("Third", View: views.FindByViewModel<ThirdViewModel>()),
  • Picking an item from the list will either open SecondPage or ThirdPage based on the type of item selected.