How-To: Navigate in Code

This topic walks through controlling Navigation from code, either in the code-behind file of a Page or in the corresponding view model. One of the Navigation objectives was a single navigation construct that applies wherever you choose to write your navigation code.


This guide uses predefined code created by the Uno Template using the Recommended preset, however, it uses the MVVM approach for the examples instead of MVUX defined in the Recommended preset.



This guide assumes you used the template wizard or dotnet new unoapp to create your solution. If not, it is recommended that you follow the Creating an application with Uno.Extensions documentation to create an application from the template.

1. Navigating to a New Page

Navigation can be invoked in the code-behind file of a Page by using the Navigator extension method to get an INavigator instance.

  • Add a new Page to navigate to, SamplePage.xaml

  • In MainPage.xaml update the Button to the following XAML, which includes a handler for the Click event

    <Button Content="Go to SamplePage"
            Click="GoToSamplePageClick" />
  • In the GoToSamplePageClick method, use the Navigator extension method to get a reference to an INavigator instance and call NavigateViewAsync to navigate to the SamplePage. This will push a new instance of the SamplePage onto the current frame, pushing the MainPage to the back-stack.

    private void GoToSamplePageClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        _ = this.Navigator()?.NavigateViewAsync<SamplePage>(this);

2. Navigating Back to the Previous Page

  • In SamplePage.xaml add a Button with a handler for the Click event

    <Button Content="Go Back"
            Click="GoBackClick" />
  • Again, use the Navigator extension method to access the INavigator instance and call NavigateBackAsync. This will cause the frame to navigate to the previous page on the back-stack and releasing the SamplePage instance.

    private void GoBackClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        _ = this.Navigator()?.NavigateBackAsync(this);

3. Navigate to a ViewModel

The NavigateViewAsync method uses the type of the view, i.e. SamplePage, to determine the view to navigate to. By associating a view model with a view, Navigation can be defined based on the type of view model to navigate to. This means that the Navigation logic isn't dependent on the UI layer of the application. The Navigation logic can then be moved into a view model and thus making it easier to test.

  • Create a new class SampleViewModel in the ViewModels folder of the class library project

    public class SampleViewModel
        public SampleViewModel()
  • Add ViewMap and RouteMap instances in the RegisterRoutes method in App.xaml.cs. This associates the SampleViewModel with the SamplePage, as well as avoiding the use of reflection for route discovery.

    private static void RegisterRoutes(IViewRegistry views, IRouteRegistry routes)
            new ViewMap(ViewModel: typeof(ShellViewModel)),
            new ViewMap<MainPage, MainViewModel>(),
            new DataViewMap<SecondPage, SecondViewModel, Entity>(),
            new ViewMap<SamplePage, SampleViewModel>()
            new RouteMap("", View: views.FindByViewModel<ShellViewModel>(),
                    new ("Main", View: views.FindByViewModel<MainViewModel>()),
                    new ("Second", View: views.FindByViewModel<SecondViewModel>()),
                    new ("Sample", View: views.FindByViewModel<SampleViewModel>()),
  • Now that there's an association between SamplePage and SampleViewModel the code in MainPage.xaml.cs can be updated to use the NavigateViewModelAsync method.

    private void GoToSamplePageClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        _ = this.Navigator()?.NavigateViewModelAsync<SampleViewModel>(this);

4. View Model Navigation

  • The logic for navigating back from SamplePage to MainPage can be moved into the SampleViewModel. Add the GoBack method to SampleViewModel that uses the INavigator instance that's injected via the constructor.

    public SampleViewModel(INavigator navigator)
        _navigator = navigator;
    public Task GoBack()
        return _navigator.NavigateBackAsync(this);
    private readonly INavigator _navigator;
  • During Navigation from MainPage to SamplePage an instance of the SampleViewModel will get created and assigned as the DataContext of the newly created SamplePage. In order to x:Bind to properties and methods on the SampleViewModel, expose a ViewModel property that returns the DataContext property as a SampleViewModel.

    public SampleViewModel? ViewModel => DataContext as SampleViewModel;
    public SamplePage()
  • Update the Button in SamplePage.xaml to use x:Bind to define the event handler for the Click event.

    <Button Content="Go Back (View Model)"
            Click="{x:Bind ViewModel.GoBack}" />

The logic to navigate from MainPage to SamplePage can also be refactored into the MainViewModel. Irrespective of whether the logic is in the code-behind or in the view model, it would use the same NavigateViewModelAsync<SampleViewModel> method call.

There are many other extension methods on the INavigator interface that can be used from either the code-behind or view model. Here are a few of the key navigation methods: NavigateRouteAsync - Navigates to a route specified as a string NavigateViewAsync - Navigates to a route that matches the view type specified NavigateViewModelAsync - Navigates to a route that matches the view model type specified NavigateDataAsync - Navigates to a route that is registered for the data type specified NavigateForResultAsync - Navigates to a route that is registered to return the result data type specified