How-To: Select a Value

This topic walks through using Navigation to request a value from the user. For example selecting a value from a list of items.


This guide uses predefined code created by the Uno Template using the Recommended preset, however, it uses the MVVM approach for the examples instead of MVUX defined in the Recommended preset.



This guide assumes you used the template wizard or dotnet new unoapp to create your solution. If not, it is recommended that you follow the Creating an application with Uno.Extensions documentation to create an application from the template.

1. GetDataAsync

This scenario will use Navigation to navigate to a page in order for the user to select an item. The item will be returned via Navigation to the calling code.

  • Define a Widget record in the class library for data to be passed during navigation

    public record Widget(string Name, double Weight);
  • Add Widgets property to SecondViewModel to define the list of items to pick from.

    public Widget[] Widgets { get; } =
        new Widget("NormalSpinner", 5.0),
        new Widget("HeavySpinner", 50.0)
  • Add a ListView to SecondPage.xaml to display the items returned by the Widgets property. The Navigation.Request property specifies a route of - which will navigate back to the previous page.

    <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Widgets}"
                <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"
                    <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" />
                    <TextBlock Text="{Binding Age}" />
  • Update MainViewModel to use the GetDataAsync method in the GoToSecondPage method.

    public async Task GoToSecondPage()
        var widget = await _navigator.GetDataAsync<SecondViewModel, Widget>(this);
  • The selected value from the ListView on SecondPage will get returned to the widget variable in MainViewModel.

2. Navigating ForResult Type

In the preceding step, the GetDataAsync method call specified two generic arguments, SecondViewModel which defines the view to navigate to, and Widget which defines the type of data to be returned. The ViewMap can be updated to ResultDataViewMap to define an association between the view and the type of data being requested.

  • Update the ViewMap for SecondViewModel as follows:

    new ResultDataViewMap<SecondPage, SecondViewModel, Widget>()
  • Update the GetDataAsync method call to only specify the result data type, Widget.

    public async Task GoToSecondPage()
        var widget = await _navigator.GetDataAsync<Widget>(this);

Navigation is able to resolve which view to navigate to based on the type of data being requested, in this case Widget.