Hot Reload

The Uno Platform Hot Reload feature provides a way to modify the XAML and C# of your running application, in order to iterate faster on UI or code changes. This makes the inner developer loop faster.

Hot Reload is part of the Uno Platform Studio, a suite of tools designed to streamline your cross-platform app development and boost productivity.

➜ Learn more about Uno Platform Studio


  • Supported in Visual Studio 2022 (Windows), VS Code (Linux, macOS, Windows, CodeSpaces, and GitPod) and Rider (Linux, macOS, Windows).
  • XAML and C# Markup Hot Reload for iOS, Catalyst, Android, WebAssembly, and Skia (X11, Windows, macOS and FrameBuffer).
  • All C# of Hot Reload in both Visual Studio, VS Code and Rider. See supported code changes.
  • Simulator and physical devices support.
  • Hot Reload Indicator visuals for an enhanced development experience on Uno Platform targets (not currently supported on WinAppSDK target).
  • What can be Hot Reloaded:
    • XAML files in the main project and referenced projects libraries
    • C# Markup controls
    • Bindings
    • x:Bind expressions
    • App.xaml and referenced resource dictionaries
    • DataTemplates
    • Styles
    • Extensible State restoration
    • Support for partial tree hot reload, where modifying a UserControl instantiated in multiple locations will reload it without reloading its parents.

Hot Reload features are now consistent across platforms and IDEs, but with some debugger-specific variations. You can check below the list of currently supported features.

For existing applications, take this opportunity to update to the latest Uno.Sdk version to take advantage of all the latest improvements and support. Refer to our migration guide for upgrade steps.


When upgrading to Uno.Sdk 5.5 or higher, the EnableHotReload() method in App.xaml.cs is deprecated and should be replaced with UseStudio().

How to use Hot Reload

  • Setup your environment by following our getting started guides.

  • Start your application (with or without the debugger, depending on the supported features below).

  • Make changes to your XAML or C# code, save your file then press the red flame button in the toolbar or use Alt+F10.

    Hot Reload button


Using .NET 9 or later (net9.0 in the TargetFrameworks property) is required for Hot Reload to be available when your solution contains iOS, Android, Mac Catalyst, or WebAssembly project heads. On Windows, Visual Studio 17.12 or later is required.

Supported features per OS

Visual Studio VS Code Rider
🐞 Debugger With Without With Without With Without
🔳 🔳
Desktop - WSL
[1][1] 🔳 🔳[2]🔳[2]
🔳 🟥✅🛜 🔳
🔳 🟥 🔳
[3][4] 🔳🔳 🔳🔳
🔳 🔳
🔳🔳 🔳✅🛜 🔳🔳


  • ✅ Supported
  • 🛜 Supported through SSH to a Mac
  • ⌛ Upcoming support
  • 🟥 Not supported yet
  • 🔳 Not supported by the environment/IDE


  • [1]: Support is pending support in the .NET SDK.
  • [2]: Support is not available.
  • [3]: Unpackaged: C# & XAML / Packaged: XAML only
  • [4]: Unpackaged: C# / Packaged: none

Supported features per Platform

Skia-based targets provide support for full XAML Hot Reload and C# Hot Reload. There are some restrictions that are listed below:

  • The Visual Studio 2022 for Windows support is fully available, with and without running under the debugger
  • As of VS 2022 17.9 XAML or C# Hot Reload under WSL is not supported
  • VS Code
    • With the debugger: The C# Dev Kit is handling hot reload when enabled. As of December 20th, 2023, C# Dev Kit hot reload does not handle class libraries. To experience the best hot reload, do not use the debugger.
    • Without the debugger: The VS Code Uno Platform extension is handling Hot Reload (C# and XAML).
    • Adding new C# or XAML files to a project is not yet supported.
  • Rider
    • Hot Reload is only supported without the debugger.
    • Adding new C# or XAML files to a project is not yet supported.

Hot Reload Indicator


The Hot Reload indicator is currently not supported for the WinAppSDK target.

Hot Reload displays a visual indicator to help you further monitor changes while developing. It displays new information every time Hot Reload is triggered. The indicator is enabled by default within the UseStudio() method which is located in the root App.xaml.cs file. This displays an overlay that hosts the visual indicator. If you wish to disable it, you simply have to provide the following boolean: UseStudio(showHotReloadIndicator: false), removing the overlay from the view.

To start using the Hot Reload indicator using the latest stable 5.5 Uno.Sdk version or higher, ensure you are signed in with your Uno Platform account. Follow these instructions to register and sign in.

The Hot Reload indicator is not connected. A flyout message states that Hot Reload is available only to registered users and prompts the user to sign in via the Uno Platform Settings button.

For existing applications, take this opportunity to update to the latest Uno.Sdk version to take advantage of all the latest improvements and support. Refer to our migration guide for upgrade steps.


When upgrading to Uno.Sdk 5.5 or higher, the EnableHotReload() method in App.xaml.cs is deprecated and should be replaced with UseStudio().

A hot reload visual indicator


The overlay can be moved by using the anchor on the left-hand side.

The indicator displays the current connection status. Clicking on it will open a flyout containing all events or changes that were applied by Hot Reload. These events display more details about Hot Reload changes, such as its status and impacted files.

A window showing events from Hot Reload


Here's a summary of the Hot Reload connection statuses and their corresponding icons:


  • The icon indicating that the user is not signed in Not Signed In
    User needs to sign in to enable Hot Reload.

  • The icon indicating an ongoing connection attempt Connecting
    Establishing a connection.

  • The icon indicating a successful connection Connected
    Connection established.

  • The icon indicating a connection issue Warning
    Usually indicates an issue that can be resolved by restarting your IDE.

  • The icon indicating a failed connection Connection Failed
    A connection error occurred. Refer to the troubleshooting documentation for possible solutions.

  • The icon indicating the server is unreachable Server Unreachable
    Hot Reload could not connect to the server. Check the troubleshooting documentation for guidance.


  • The icon shown when Hot Reload succeeds Success
    The Hot Reload changes have been applied successfully.

  • The icon shown when Hot Reload fails Failed
    Hot Reload encountered an error and could not apply the changes.

  • The icon shown when Hot Reload is in progress Processing
    Hot Reload is applying changes or initializing.


  • If the Hot Reload Indicator is red and shows a connection failure, ensure that you have the latest stable version of Uno.SDK and the latest version of your IDE’s extension (Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, or Rider). Additionally, re-run Uno.Check to update dependencies, then relaunch your IDE, sign in with your Uno Platform account, and rebuild your application.

    For existing applications, refer to our migration guide for upgrade steps.


    When upgrading to Uno.Sdk 5.5 or higher, the EnableHotReload() method in App.xaml.cs is deprecated and should be replaced with UseStudio().

  • Observe the application logs, you should see diagnostics messages in the app when a XAML file is reloaded.

  • WinAppSDK on Windows-specific issues

  • You can troubleshoot Hot Reload further by adjusting the logging level in your app.

    • For Blank App Preset (in App.xaml.cs, inside InitializeLogging):

      // Adjust logging level
      builder.SetMinimumLevel(LogLevel.Debug); // or LogLevel.Trace
      // Uncomment and adjust logging level
      builder.AddFilter("Uno.UI.RemoteControl", LogLevel.Debug); // or LogLevel.Trace
    • For Recommended App Preset (in App.xaml.cs, inside UseLogging):

      // Adjust logging level
      logBuilder.SetMinimumLevel(LogLevel.Debug); // or LogLevel.Trace
      // Uncomment and adjust logging level
      logBuilder.HotReloadCoreLogLevel(LogLevel.Debug); // or LogLevel.Trace

    The diagnostic messages will appear in the app's Debug Output.

    If you need to share logs when opening an issue on the GitHub Uno Platform repository, it is recommended to set LogLevel to Trace to provide the most detailed logs for investigation.

  • If you're getting ENC0003: Updating 'attribute' requires restarting the application, add the following in the Directory.Build.props (or in each .csproj project head):

      <!-- Required for Hot Reload (See -->
      <GenerateAssemblyInfo Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Debug'">false</GenerateAssemblyInfo>

    Also make sure that you're not referencing Microsoft.SourceLink.* packages.

  • If you're getting the Unable to access Dispatcher/DispatcherQueue error, you'll need to update your app to Uno.Sdk 5.6 or later, and update your App.cs file:

    using Uno.UI;
    //... in the OnLaunched method
    #if DEBUG

Next Steps

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