AppManifest for WebAssembly head project

The [AppName].Wasm project in your solution typically includes a manifest file containing settings for the WebAssembly application. This file is typically generated for you under WasmScripts/AppManifest.js.

AppManifest properties

This app manifest file allows you to customize certain aspects of the WebAssembly application, including its loading screen. This loading UI is often referred to as the "splash screen" in documentation. For more information, see How to manually add a splash screen.

Add a missing manifest file

If you created an application without using the default Uno templates, you may need to add the manifest file manually.

To do this, create a folder named WasmScripts in your [AppName].Wasm project, with a file containing the JavaScript code below (e.g. AppManifest.js).

Set the manifest file's build action to Embedded resource, and edit the contents of this file to resemble the following:

var UnoAppManifest = {
    splashScreenImage: "Assets/SplashScreen.scale-200.png",
    splashScreenColor: "transparent",
    displayName: "SplashScreenSample"

See also