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Microsoft Surface Neo and Duo: Designing for Dual Screens  

🕓 2 MIN How do we build apps that look beautiful on dual-screen devices? Building on top of our first post on Duo and Neo, let’s conclude with some light speculation on new UX challenges and opportunities. It’s hard to say anything definitive until we actually get the chance to play with the new devices.   The demo today showed the ability to […]

Microsoft Surface Duo and Neo: The Software Developer Perspective

🕓 3 MIN Microsoft’s hotly-awaited Surface event landed today, and it didn’t disappoint. Surface head honcho, Panos Panay, announced two wholly new dual-screen devices: the tablet-sized Surface Neo, which will run Windows 10X, a new version of the OS optimized for the form factor; and the Surface Duo, a phone-sized device which will make calls, send texts, and […]

Talkin’ ‘bout my generation: How the Uno Platform generates code, part 1 — Under The hood

🕓 3 MIN In previous articles, we’ve covered how the Uno Platform takes a visual tree defined in the XAML markup language and creates it on iOS, Android, and WebAssembly. In this article I want to dive into a key intermediate step: how the XAML is parsed and mapped to generated C# code. In part 2, we will look at a few other ways in which Uno leverages code generation to make the wheels turn.

Pushing the right buttons : How Uno implements views

🕓 5 MIN In this article I want to focus on how to implement the suite of views in the UWP framework for iOS, Android, and in the browser. I present the simplest interactive application imaginable, one step above ‘Hello World’…

Under the Hood: an Introduction to Uno Platform

🕓 2 MIN By now you may have heard about Uno. In this post series, I want to lay bare Uno’s technical innards. We’ll look at the critical code that powers the platform, and chart the ups and downs of building a UI platform. First, let’s get the lay of the land. The Uno Stack Uno is a cross-platform UI […]

Uno Platform 5.2 LIVE Webinar – Today at 3 PM EST – Watch