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We’re excited to announce that the Uno Platform is participating #Hacktoberfest 2020! Anyone who contributes a meaningful pull request to the Uno Platform on GitHub between October 1 and October 31, 2020 will receive:

  1. Udemy Course – Introduction to Uno Platform
  2. Enter the draw to receive one of 30 Uno Platform t-shirts

How to participate

  1. Show your appreciation by “starring” the unoplatform/uno repository on GitHub.
  2. Register for the Hacktoberfest® event. This will ensure that your contributions count towards Hacktoberfest AND so you get the Hacktoberfest 2020 t-shirt from the organizers of the global Hacktoberfest event. Please note that we have updated Uno Platform repo according to latest Hacktoberfest rules which aim to reduce spam in repos.
  3. Share your contact details with Uno Platform team via this short form so that we know where to send your swag after Hacktoberfest ends, in case you win one of the prizes that need shipping.
  4.  Read the instructions below on how to contribute to Uno Platform
  5. Most importantly, make a pull request to one of ‘hacktoberfest’ labelled open issues and improve the projects code or documentation. All meaningful contributions are welcome (see below for definition)

In addition to marking all hacktoberfest issues handy for you, we use two more labels help wanted and good first issue to identify issues that have been specially curated for new contributors. The good first issue label is a subset of help wanted label, indicating that members have committed to providing extra assistance for new contributors. All good first issue items also have the help wanted label. Items marked with the good first issue label are intended for first-time contributors.


About the Uno Platform

For those new to Uno Platform – it allows for creation of pixel-perfect, single-source C# and XAML apps which run natively on Windows, iOS, Android, macOS, Linux and Web via WebAssembly. Uno Platform is Open Source (Apache 2.0) and available on GitHub. The Uno Platform philosophy is to replicate the UWP/WinUI and Windows APIs everywhere. The best way to get started with the Uno Platform is to check out the Getting Started guide (< 10 min to complete)


How to contribute – documentation

How to contribute – Live coding on Twitch

One of our community members – Martin Zikmund is co-hosting a few twitch live coding sessions to show you how you can contribute

Session 1 – Oct 3rd, 2020 – 10:00 AM EST
The first PR: Hacking with Martin Zikmund and Jeremy Sinclair
This will be Jeremy’s first PR to Uno Platform, so if you are new to Uno Platform and both learning about it, as well as contributing to it, this is a great session or you. Martin and Jeremy will pick out one open issue from Uno Platform repo and will hack away at it together. In addition to coding, they will be taking live Q&A from the audience. Meet them at


Defining Meaningful Pull Request

Unfortunately, as we see from numerous comments from project maintainers both last year and this year, Hacktoberfest also attracts some unwanted behavior and spam, which not only doesn’t help the projects, but it even slows them down as maintainers are overwhelmed by the number of PRs that come in.

A definition of a meaningful PR is an accepted PR which is either

Also please make sure you review the Hacktoberfest guidance on quality pull requests, as we will adhere to those too.

Sasha Krsmanovic. CMO, Uno Platform


Uno Platform 5.2 LIVE Webinar – Today at 3 PM EST – Watch