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A few weeks back Syncfusion announced their UWP Charts now support Uno Platform and run on WebAssembly. We’ve worked together with Syncfusion team to make this a reality. As this happened just during the UnoConf timeframe, these important news might have gotten lost in the buzz of announcements we made – support for Linux, experimenting with Tizen, Material and Fluent out of box support etc etc. So with this blog we simply want to surface out these beautiful line-of-business charts you can use in WebAssembly today.

After all, what is a great looking LOB application without some pretty and interactive charts – right?

Syncfusion has released thirteen charts compatible with WebAssembly – see them in action below. We’d also love to hear from you about which should be the next control we work on together with Syncfusion – drop by Uno Platform channel at UWP Discord community to let us know.

Currently thirteen charts are supported:

For detailed steps on how to embed these charts in your solution please see Syncfusion blog and documentation and to help you imagine the possibilities, see a few sample WebAssembly charts below from Syncfusion sample apps. Also, to help you explore the charting possibilities, see the the Syncfusion SampleBrowser.SfChart application is available on GitHub.




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