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Debugging Uno Platform WebAssembly apps in Visual Studio 2019

🕓 3 MINThe .NET team has been hard at work with WebAssembly support, and while we’ve been having WebAssembly debugging from the browser, it’s now possible to debug an Uno WebAssembly app using Visual Studio 2019 16.6 Preview 1! Debug an Uno Platform WebAssembly Web app with Visual Studio Here’s what you need to do to debug […]

Build .NET AOT for WebAssembly in Visual Studio with Uno Platform

🕓 3 MINMake sure to take a look at most recent documentation on AOT for WebAssembly. It’s been a long-time request: Build Uno Platform WebAssembly apps in Visual Studio on Windows using Ahead of Time (AOT) compilation. Good news, it’s now available in preview in Uno dev branch! The Uno.Wasm.Bootstrap package 1.1-dev.416 package now provides the ability […]

Surface Duo – WinUI TwoPaneView implementation via Uno Platform

🕓 3 MINWith the release of the preview SDK and emulator for the Surface Duo, it is now possible to experiment with the support for dual screen devices.  Uno Platform is in the position to be able to use the controls from WinUI (Our #WinUIEverywhere vision), and Microsoft is making development in the open for such devices in the form of the TwoPaneView control which […]

Hot Restart available in Uno Platform

🕓 2 MINWith the release of Visual Studio 16.5 Preview 2, Microsoft and the Xamarin.iOS team released a preview of the Hot Restart feature. This provides a way for Xamarin developers to create and debug Xamarin.iOS applications using a physical device using only a Windows machine, where a mac used to be required. This makes the developer […]

Uno Platform 2.0 RELOADED – General Availability, Hot Reload and more!

🕓 3 MIN  In September 2019 at our inaugural UnoConf, we had released the preview of Uno Platform 2.0.  Today we are announcing general availability of Uno Platform 2.0 which includes not only the features announced at UnoConf, but also many others. One of the 2.0 release highlights is the fully functional XAML Hot Reload which works […]

Announcing Uno Platform 2.0

🕓 4 MINWhen we initially open sourced Uno Framework at //build 2018, we took a big step in showing the world what we had been internally working on for nearly five years. The year was 2018 and we were still doing mostly mobile work via UWP.  During those days, you saw us fly the #UWPEverywhere banner proudly. A lot has changed since then in […]

Introducing UADO — An Uno Platform App Showcase

🕓 2 MINAs Uno Platform team we were challenged with creating a showcase app that is both useful in terms of showcasing Uno Platform while ALSO being a real, useful app that software developers will use on day-to-day basis. The idea for an app born from our own need — having a beautiful mobile app that can be […]

SkiaSharp Support for WebAssembly via Uno Platform

🕓 3 MINToday we are proud to announce that the Uno Platform now has initial support for SkiaSharp via the Uno.SkiaSharp.Views package which was published to NuGet moments ago. Skia is an open source 2D graphics library which provides common APIs that work across a variety of hardware and software platforms. It serves as the graphics engine […]

A Piece of Windows 10 is now running on WebAssembly, Natively on iOS and Android

🕓 8 MINA few months ago, Microsoft open sourced the Windows Calculator, the very Calculator that ships with Windows 10. We decided to port it to C# and the Uno Platform, so that iOS and Android users could use it, but also use it from the Web using WebAssembly. Why – well that’s what we at Uno Platform do ? – […]

Uno Platform 5.2 LIVE Webinar – Today at 3 PM EST – Watch