🕓 6 MINFor our first …
Uno Platform contributed support for the Skottie component in SkiaSharp (a .NET binding for Skia). This addition now allows for any application using SkiaSharp to render Lottie animations and provide engaging user experiences on all the platforms already supported by Uno Platform. This new SkiaSharp preview update also provides support for Uno Platform WinUI targets as well as .NET 6 for Mobile
Skottie is a Lottie Animation Player. It is a performant native player for JSON animations. It can be used on any platform where Skia is used, including Android, iOS, Linux, and WebAssembly. Skottie builds upon the Lottie player widely used for animations, improving on the performance, feature set, and platform cohesiveness.Â
Some samples of rendering with Skia’s animation player, courtesy of the lottiefiles.com communityÂ
For those new to Uno Platform – it allows for the creation of pixel-perfect, single-source C# and XAML apps that run natively on Windows, iOS, Android, macOS, Linux, and Web via WebAssembly. Uno Platform is free and Open Source (Apache 2.0) and available on GitHub. In addition to multi-platform support, Uno Platform provides Figma integration to those who want to get XAML generated right from designs.
On .NET 6 and later, existing NuGet bindings to the original Skottie library are not currently available. Either the upgrade of the existing LottieXamarin library could be done or add the support for Skottie.Â
The contribution made by Uno Platform team provides the fundamentals for playing Lottie files, and subsequent contributions will add the support for finer manipulation of the Lottie file internals, such as variables manipulation. Â
In Uno Platform, this new component will be used in an upcoming Uno Platform release with the AnimatedVisualPlayer control for the support for Lottie animations on Skia+Gtk targets, including Linux.
In addition to the scenarios this contribution opens Uno Platform–built application, with its inclusion in Mono/SkiaSharp, it further enables all products and open-source projects which would like to take advantage of Skottie to automatically add it to their offering. Open source FOR THE WIN!
Even with the NuGet just being published, we’re already seeing developers from Samsung loving it.
We’ve included a sample app in our Samples repository, which shows how to use the Skottie player across many platforms.
This new preview release of SkiaSharp also includes the support for WinUI-compatible projects for Uno Platform, as well as the support for .NET 6. These updates are available as part of a new package SkiaSharp.Views.Uno.WinUI, and provide all the support that the UWP-compatible projects are already able to use.Â
This new support will help applications and library providers to be compatible with the WinUI 3 API set. Â
Let us know about your experiences with this new package by opening discussions on our GitHub repo.Â
This PR also would not have been possible without help from Matthew Leibowitz, who helped us throughout the process with insightful tips and advice.Â
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